Caviar Lime Q and A

Pile of caviar finger limes

Are Caviar Limes really citrus fruit?

Caviar Limes belong to the Rutacaea (Rue) family which includes all forms of citrus fruits.

So, yes, although they look quite different from lemons or limes, they are in fact citrus fruit packed with vitamins, potassium and iron.

Why are Caviar Limes considered such a luxury item?

Caviar Limes are quite new to the New Zealand market, with the first trees becoming available just 5 years ago. The tree is slow-growing, taking 5 to 15 years to reach maturity.

It requires special growing conditions and a lot of care. Quantities from each tree are small and the fruit that becomes available is eagerly sought-after by experienced chefs and restauranteurs.

Most fruit keep their condition for two weeks after picking, and three weeks or longer if kept in cool storage or in the refrigerator. All fruits have a strong, leathery skin which protects the fruit and keeps the moisture in. Don’t throw away the skin – it is the most fragrant part of the fruit and when cut makes a pretty decoration.

What is the difference between Caviar Lime and regular lime?

The Caviar Lime is small – about the size of your little finger. When broken open, it contains hundreds of small spherical “pearls” each bursting with a delicious, distinctive flavour.

The “pearls” retain their shape and texture. Caviar Limes can be compared to classic limes in a similar way that bees’ royal jelly is compared to  classic honey.

Where can I buy Caviar Limes?

The Auckland chain of Farro specialty stores stock Caviar Limes when they are in season. Farro have stores in Epsom, Mt Eden, Grey Lynn, Mt Wellington, North Shore and Orakei.​

​The fruit come in punnets containing 50 grams of fruit – usually around 4 to 5 fruit per punnet. The fruit come in many different shapes, sizes and colours. Some are short and plump. Some are long. Some are green, some yellowish and sometimes a deep purple colour.

We also offer fruit for sale via this site.

When is the season for Caviar Limes?

In Auckland the main fruiting season is from January to April.

Do the Caviar Lime “pearls" inside come in different colours?  Does the colour of the skin’s fruit reflect the colour of the “pearls”?

Most of the fruit, regardless of the colour of the skin, contain pearls of a pale green.

Can I order limes if I am not a professional?

At the moment, due to limited supply, you are best to purchase your Caviar Limes from one of the Farro stores if they are not available on this site.

Are Auckland Caviar limes different from those in other countries?

It’s still too early to tell, as the trees are still in the early stages of development.  Some people tell us that our Auckland fruit are shaped differently to their Australian cousins and have their own distinctive flavours, with hints of Manuka.

Can you deliver Caviar Limes outside of Auckland? Outside of New Zealand?

Depending on the delivery services available, this may be possible. Please contact us and we will let you know.