Caviar or Finger Limes
Caviar Limes - a delicious addition to sushi, guacamole, gin & tonic and so much more...
Finger Limes of New Zealand

A new taste sensation transforming the culinary world

The Caviar or Finger Lime has become a sought-after premium ingredient for top chefs globally

The small fruit with pulp that resembles caviar, has a distinctive citrus taste sensation which adds flavour and interest to a wide variety of seafood and dessert applications, and is a popular garnish for mixologists.

Caviar Limes have a stronger, tangier citrus taste than other limes. The caviar pearls look like caviar, but unlike caviar, the pearls keep their spherical shape, exploding with flavour and releasing zesty notes of aromatic lemon and lime when they are bitten.

Until now, fresh Caviar Limes have been unavailable in New Zealand.

Our Caviar Lime orchards in Auckland are surrounded on four sides by banks of flowering lavender and New Zealand manuka. Bees love the flowers of all three plants and divide their time equally visiting the Citrus Limes, the lavender and the manuka. Perhaps because of this, or perhaps because of the difference in soil and climate conditions, the Auckland fruit has its own distinctive flavour and intensity.

The fruit’s aroma, which is naturally highly fragrant also contains hints of lavender. The Caviar Lime pearls offer a suggestion of manuka honey.

See the Caviar Limes FAQ's page for more information.



"They are really impressive, and I get lots of positive comments about how a sprinkle of them on top of a salad makes it extra special."
Jeanine Moss

"The finger limes are arrived. They are amazing, is true they have a unique taste.  I’ll be happy  to keep buying them."
Chef Riccardo - Cafe Ahuriri, Napier

How to buy

Caviar Lime punnets

The Auckland chain of Farro specialty stores stock Caviar Limes when they are in season. Farro have stores in Epsom, Mt Eden, Grey Lynn, Mt Wellington, North Shore and Orakei.​

​The fruit come in punnets containing 50 grams of fruit – usually around 4 or 5 fruit per punnet. The fruit come in many different shapes, sizes and colours. Some are short and plump. Some are long. Some are green, some yellowish and sometimes a deep purple colour.

Buy online

We are picking again! We have fruit available so please click the button below to purchase.

We have limited fruit available at the moment but do have a few punnets available to purchase. If you would like to buy a punnet or two please contact us letting us know how many punnets you would like and, if we have enough fruit available, we will send you a payment link.


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